Let's Get Real


This might come off harsh but I am so sick of companies or people who don’t keep their word. Whether that be; locations promising you a great venue, working with others as a collaboration, to even a business not paying you as a sponsor. I have been blown away by the lack of professionalism PFF has had to experience.

You would think that being a small nonprofit in our community would protect us from the riff raff of bad business deals, but that is not the case.

I am of course not going to name names of those who have burned PFF but I will say it is very upsetting. My husband says, “you have to get everything in writing” and I see why. Over the past almost five years, the bullets we have had to dodge or things we have backed out of because they were a joke is appalling.

People say you always learn from every experience. What I can take away from those experiences that have left a bad taste in our mouth, is that not everyone is like that. When we do have an amazing company that keeps their word, goes above and beyond for us, we need to show them some love.

With the “bad” ones there are more good ones of course. A few local companies who have done nothing but support us are the ones who will stand out in our hearts forever. They are also successful in their own right and will last-unlike the faux companies/people. 

So let’s show a little love to our rockstar companies:

I could probably go on and name a few more, but those are a hand full of the ones that have been a part of the PFF family for years or who have done more than we have asked of them. They are the ones who believed in us when we were a small barely existing nonprofit hoping to make a name for ourselves.

Thank you for your endless love and belief in our cause. If you do not know who these companies are I hope you will check them out!I don’t think any company intentionally was out to get us or cause the foundation unnecessary work, I just sometimes think people don’t know how to work with other businesses. The foundation exists solely from donations and company grants- we are still in business because of the companies listed above. We are a PUBLIC foundation, meaning we have to raise a certain amount and giveaway a certain amount. There are salaries, expenses, and bills to pay just like any other business.

Whether you are a for-profit or not for profit doing business with someone else - big or small, you must work just as hard as they are on the job. The foundation has had to put new rules and steps in place to protect us from phonys.

So lesson is and point of this post is to be respectful of all companies and people you want to collaborate with. Be upfront and honest on what you expect - and remember it is not personal it is business. 

“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.”

– Richard Branson