Community Angels - Our Newest Initiative!


A peak into the Foundation's newest initiative!

Community Angels, is a program that provides the family with physical needs to ensure a safe living environment in both the community and the home.

   When I first started the foundation I had NO idea how many different avenues we would be creating. People said that I shouldn’t call it “Pearce Family Foundation” because it was too broad- or that people would think we are a private nonprofit. I wanted to create something that wasn’t cause specific so that it would be the hub of all the different programs we assist with. And like they say, “trust your gut” and don’t let people talk you out of your dream.

Well, since that summer in 2013 we have created now 3 programs; Angels Around Us, Angel Pups and now (drumroll please) COMMUNITY ANGELS.

I am so excited to announce our brand new program, that helps families we have currently helped from our two grant programs with needs to make their home life better.

Home life meaning; new furniture or fixing a broken back porch, or even donating a new CAR to a family. The plan is to connect our donors with the families we have already helped who have additional needs. The foundation receives messages all the time about how people want to give back items they no longer need but do not know how. We have also been hearing how they want to help but they might not be able to afford to write a check to the foundation. So instead, now they can  give their old bed frame or donate a car that is no longer being used to make a difference in a family’s life who has a child suffering from a chronic illness.

I have been blown away (well not really because we have amazing supporters) with the kindness our donors have shown our families again who still are having a tough time. Believe me, it is hard for me to not just go out and buy a new couch or new mattress for a family, which is why I believe our new initiative will help people connect even more to our family’s they have allowed us to pay a bill for.

I want the foundation to not just be a one stop shop for a family and for the families a part of our Angels Around Us or Angel Pups program, I want them to know that we truly care about them. Since the first family we have helped they are not just receiving a water bill payment or their rent paid for, they are becoming part of the family here at PFF.

Some things might need to change as we see what works and what doesn’t, but one thing I know for certain is that we won’t stop trying for these families.

We have already sent a survey out to our families and the most needs are; landscaping, car repair needs, cleaning services, and groceries. If you are a company that would be willing to help our families with a need like this with either the actual item or a donation to help us pay for a cleaning service please click here.


Thank you for always believing in us and for allowing us to make a difference in the Valley of the Sun!