
Investing In Yourself

Investing In Yourself

A few weeks ago I (Meghan) decided to attend The Workshop hosted by the Bloguettes.

Interns & Assistants

When I started the Pearce Family Foundation it did not occur to me that I (Meghan) would need to hire anyone. Why would I need an assistant? I can handle everything...UMM NOT (lol) since starting the foundation I have been fortunate to have now had 5 1/2 interns.First I had my sister Jessica Pearce help me with some of the first events (the Zebulon Pearce monument and Brew Something that Matters). I was so thankful Jess wanted to help since I was taking on a huge new business venture.  Then the beautiful and smart Kylie Ray came to our PFF family after one of my good friends introduced us and it was a true blessing. Kylie ended up working with me for over 18 months and is one of the hardest working women I know.The next wonderful assistant/intern was Kylie Mudd who I met through Kylie 1 and I was again so thankful for her to step in when I needed her help the most. She was there during my wedding months and was my voice of reason when I thought I was going to loose it. (oh and I promise I do not hire just girls named Kylie).Then after I saw how fast we were growing and that I needed help at all times I found two amazing girls. Lindsay Cardoza and Kourtnie Martin became new team members of PFF and worked with me every week on every upcoming event. Neither of these girls were receiving class credit-they just did it out of the goodness of their heart. Kourtnie is studying entrepreneurial courses at GCU and now wants to work for PFF after college (YIPPIE). Lindsay in addition to all of her time working without credit hours is now receieving 12 credit hours to help her graduate in May.The moral of this story is that us #girlbosses need help and we need to ask for it. I wish I could handle every email, every family application, and every event but I can't. I am fortunate to have met like minded women who believe in our mission and want to learn from ME.So ladies- let others help you and don't forget that we are teachers in a way and should share our knowledge! xoxoMeghan     

We Have a BLOG!

 Hello, Hi, Hola, Welcome...PFF has a blog!! After going through a few websites the foundation has finally decided to document all of the fun, different, unique, and special things we do here at the Pearce Family Foundation. Time to time we might have a guest writer- say one of our families we have helped or a special donor but most likely it will be from CEO & Founder Meghan Alfonso. ******************************************************************************************************************     Wow isn't it amazing how fast time goes by. When we were younger we wished time would hurry up and that we would be 16 so we could drive or that we would turn 18 so we could go to college. Then it was I cannot wait until I am 21...and now it is like, "wait it's my birthday again or Christmas is less than a month away". Time... it is something we can never get back but is monumental in decision making. I have been the CEO of the Pearce Family Foundation (PFF) for over 1,600 days and it feels like just yesterday when I got the guts to start a nonprofit. That day in July of 2013 the timing could not have been more perfect. I was jobless, could barely make my $1,000 rent, and was lost. I had worked at other nonprofits and after being beaten down too many times I just up and quit a job I thought I was going to be at until I was old and gray.Thankfully I swallowed my fear and followed my dreams of being my own boss. Living on my own time and not letting others tell me what I had to do and what my weekend plans were is something I hope to never loose. I will tell you that I work harder and longer hours now than I ever did before, but I am the happiest I have ever been.This will be a place to voice my opinion on events throughout Scottsdale and Phoenix as well as to give an inside look on what goes on at PFF. We are a grassroots nonprofit that believes in being the "life savers" behind the curtains. We are not saving cancer or doing any research but we are keeping families at their home and hopefully out of the hospital. The families we help sometimes do not have "time" on their side and needs someone to step in...which is where we come inWelcome and I hope you enjoy, xoMeghan PFF Angelblog