A Note from the Roberts


The other day the foundation had sent out an email. We emailed a few of our families who are a part of our Angels Around Us and Angel Pups program. We asked them to be a part of our blog and to help share their experience with PFF.

There are some families we can just count on and one of those are the Roberts family. Paige (mom) is always willing to send me pictures of her son Devin and their service dog Teddy. Last year (2017) we helped pay for the remaining balance needed for their son to receive a service dog. Teddy helps with day to day tasks for Devin and is not only his service dog, but his best friend.

Here is the mom's answers to our questions:

Name: Devin Roberts (Paige and Patrick  Roberts- Mom and Dad)

How you know of PFF:  Elizabeth Ayers- Cluff told me about PFF almost 2 yrs ago, their family was a friend of Meghan who she met while working at Phoenix Children's Hospital.

What makes PFF special:  PFF is an amazing organization that has many different facets.  It is so special for families and their kiddos in need.  The foundation makes dreams come true for special need children with their Angel Pups program. PFF grants a portion of the money needed to attain a service dog, and that is life changing for these kids.   They provide assistance for many families in times of crisis, when chronic medical issues plague their family and weigh them down financially and emotionally.

The founder, Meghan, is so invested in this organization and is constantly spreading the word and raising money and generating resources to help families in need.  This is an outstanding organization that Phoenix, Az should be proud to have as part of their city. 

